Study Spaces: Upper Floors at Scott Library

This is an archived post from April 14, 2017 written by Emmanuel during his 4th year in the Environmental Politics, Justice and Arts stream of the Bachelor in Environmental Studies.  Emmanuel launched the Environmental Studies “Eco-Tour” blog with his posts for Eco-Navigating the YU Campus.  His posts serve as a guide to York University’s Keele Campus, highlighting some of some of Emmanuel’s “go-to” places for studying, relaxation, and getting in-touch with the more natural features/spaces of the university.


The Lorna Marsden Salon

The Lorna Marsden Salon

Of the spaces found in Scott Library, there are a few that stand out in providing a quiet and well-lit environment for students to study. The first is referred to as the Lorna Marsden Salon which is found on the second floor Learning Commons in Scott Library.

Here, students can make use of the comfortable lounge chairs to catch up on readings or just relax with their feet up on the foot stools. Come on, don’t tell me that doesn’t sound enticing! A foot stool and a comfy lounge chair, what more could you possibly need? Even better is that due to its location the area, the area is often overlooked by most students with the best times to find seating being between 8am to 11am and 2pm to 4pm in the afternoon.

Third, Fourth, and Fifth Floor

Fourth floor study space

The third to fifth floor of Scott are not only home to endless shelves of books and research materials (Though there are literally millions of books there). Pictured above is one of the quiet study spaces, located to the far right of Scott’s fourth floor (simply make your way past the bookshelves).  Here you will find various cubicles and tables that allow for individual, focused study without distraction. There are also tables there with individual lightbulbs that provide students with an extra source of light should they need it.

This space is one I have found to be ideal for working on assignments as there is little interruption and everyone around you is focused and working diligently (encouraging you to do the same). Due to the atmosphere, this area is often sought by students and is usually difficult to find an available seat. However, I find that the best times to find a cubicle or table is either between 8am to 9am or 2:30pm to 4pm.